Spam Filtering

This documentation will explain in detail how ViralSweep's spam filtering system works, use cases, and how to disable it.


This documentation has been depreciated.

Please visit for our updated documentation.

What is spam filtering?

ViralSweep's spam filter is enabled by default on all campaigns. The spam filter will automatically block entries that come in from the same IP address after a certain number of attempts. This system is put into place to prevent attacks from cheaters, spammers, and bots. We use this system to protect our users so that their campaigns are not flooded with thousands of fake entries.

What do I have to do to enable the spam filter?

Nothing! We automatically enable spam filtering on all campaigns. You do not need to do anything to make it work, it will work its magic in the background.

How do I disable the spam filter?

If you wish to disable the spam filter on your campaign, you will see the settings for it under 'Spam Filter' when creating your campaign. To disable the spam filter, simply check the box. If at any point in time you want to enable it again, just edit your campaign and uncheck the box.

When should I disable the spam filter?

We only suggest disabling the spam filter in situations where people will be entering from the same IP address. For example:

  • Hosting a sweepstakes at an event or tradeshow
  • Hosting a sweepstakes internally at your company
  • Hosting a sweepstakes in retail stores

Of course, you can also disable the spam filter if you are not worried about spammers or cheaters and you just want to collect all the data from everyone that tries to enter.



We will not help you clean up your list if you disable the spam filter and your sweepstakes is attacked by spammers.

Where does the data go that gets blocked?

If our spam filter is triggered, the system will not pass the data entered into the form. This means that your data export and your analytics will only contain legitimate entries, and you will not have to sift through thousands of fake entries from cheaters or bots.

Can I disable or enable the spam filter at anytime?

Yes! Simply click edit on your sweepstakes, and check or uncheck the box to disable or enable the spam filter. It doesn't matter if your campaign is already live, you can disable or enable it at any time.

Is spam really that big of a problem?

Yes! You wouldn't believe how many fake entries are submitted into sweepstakes on a daily basis. There are even communities on the web that are dedicated to spamming sweepstakes with thousands of fake entries in hopes that they can win by cheating. We do our best to prevent this from happening, so your campaigns are only collecting legitimate entries.


Any questions? We're here to help

You can reach us at or talk to us on live chat if we are available.